13th September2024 the shareholders structure of eDreams ODIGEO was as follows:

Shareholder Number of shares % Share capital
Permira 32,011,388 25.1%
Board Members 3,934,081 3.1%
Treasury shares 8,312,164 6.5%
Rest of shares outstanding 83,347,426 65.3%
TOTAL 127,605,059 100%

(1) The shares were issued to serve the Group’s long term incentive plans in force as of that date. The economic and political rights attached to the shares are suspended. The long term incentive plans will run until February 2026 and any non-allocated shares at the end of the plans will be cancelled.

(2) The rest of shares outstanding is calculated by taking the total number of shares issued by the Company less (i) the number of shares held by shareholders with representation in the Company’s board of directors and as communicated to the Spanish national securities market commission (CNMV) and the Company as of 26th February 2024 in accordance with the Royal Decree 136272007, (ii) the shares held by Directors, and (iii) the Treasury Shares.

Note: The information published by the Spanish national securities market commission (CNMV) in relation to notifications of voting rights and financial instruments will be available on this link. You will also be able to access the historical information published by the Luxembourg stock exchange (LuxSE) and Luxembourg supervisory Authority (CSSF) on this link.